Product Category: 
Application Type: 

Freeze-dried live vaccine for reconstitution in drinking water for oral application.

Active Ingredients
1 x 108 - 6 x 108 CFU attenuated Salmonella Enteritidis bacteria, strain Sm24/Rifl2/Ssq
Parasites, Vectors & Organisms Controlled

For active immunisation of healthy susceptible, immune competent chickens to reduce mortality, colonisation, invasion and faecal excretion due to Salmonella Enteritidis, phage type 4.
Immunity develops within 14 days of vaccination and remains for 6 to 8 weeks following a single dose and for 60 weeks following the 3 dose programme.

Contra Indications: 

Do not vaccinate sick birds. Do not vaccinate birds in lay. Vaccination of birds intended as laying birds must be completed 3 weeks before point of lay.

Application Rate

Poultry Application: 

For oral administration.

Dose rates/directions for use:
Broiler:For birds up to 6 weeks of age, a single dose at one day of age.
Layers and Breeders: A single dose from one day of age followed by a second vaccination at 6 to 8 weeks of age and a third vaccination at 16-18 weeks at least 3 weeks before point of lay.

Drinking Water
. Make sure that all conduit pipes, tubing, troughs, drinkers etc. are thoroughly clean and free of any trace of disinfectants, detergents, soap etc.

2. Open the vaccine ampoule under water and dissolve thoroughly. As the concentrated vaccine is slightly viscous, care should be taken to empty the ampoule and its top completely by rinsing them in water.

3. Then thoroughly dissolve in a 1 litre jug and stir well before mixing with more water in a 10 litre bucket before application. Vaccine must be stirred thoroughly for several minutes at each stage. Do not split large vials to vaccinate more than 1 house or drinking system, as this leads to mixing errors.

4. As a guide apply diluted vaccine to cold and fresh water at the rate of 1 liter of water per 1,000 birds per day of age e.g. 10 litres would be needed for 1,000 10 day old chickens. Use water meter recordings for the previous day to accurately determine the correct quantity of water in each case. Low-fat skimmed milk powder (i.e.<1 % fat) should be added to the water (2-4 grams per liter) or skimmed milk (20-40 ml per litre of water) to increase the stability of the vaccine. All tubing should be emptied of plain water, so that the drinkers contain only vaccine water.

5. Allow water in the drinkers to be consumed so that levels prior to vaccine applications are minimal. If water is still present the lines must be drained before applying the vaccine. The vaccine treated water should be applied for up to 3 hours. It should be ensured that all birds drink during this period. Birds drinking behavior varies. It may be necessary to withhold drinking water on some sites prior to vaccination in order to ensure that all birds drink during the vaccination period. The aim is to give every bird one dose of vaccine. A period of thirst of up to 2-3 hours before vaccination may be necessary to achieve this.

Withdrawal Time

21 days